Our Consultants are happy to guide you through your journey as a Music Artist

Dara (artist consultant/comms manager)

Hey, I'm Dara Gamas—a Business Management grad with an MA in Music Industry. From festivals to artist liaising, I live for music. As a Creative Consultant, I'm all about passing on the wisdom, research, and contacts so artists can rock decisions on their own. Beyond beats, I'm into movie/show art and cool DIY projects. Let's ride this groove where music meets business! 🎶🚀

Johnny (Music Artist/Entrepreneur)

As a music artist myself, I've learnt soo much in the process of executing a single and developing my brand you see below. It took a team of people to craft it together and this where myself and my consultants give your individual strategies. As a creative entrepreneur, the commercial aspect plays an important role, so I will endevaour to give my best advice to help you're journey. 

Daniel (Producer/Artist/Composer/Entrepreneur)